”It all comes down to colour, pattern and tactility. In my work and collaborations I find myself in a constant search for new and interesting ways to renew our vows with our senses, as a nurishing confirmation of existence”.
Colours matter, and so does working with them. Odgaard: ”Working with colours and patterns is like playing music. A note on a piano has a certain sound, but it is only when it is put together with other tones that it becomes a melody. In the same way, one can speak of hue, saturation and brightness of a singular colour, but when two or more colours are put together, they form an inner hierarchy and rhythm, influencing the perception visually and emotionally”.
Odgaard has a broad notion of textiles, considering the textile medium not only fibers but also the surface of our surroundings. She believes that objects made with diligence and care, has a higher probability of reproducing a similar behavior among people.