“The feminine decorations and colors are repeated in several of Ditte Hammerstrøm’s pieces of furniture and help mark the fact that a generation of younger female have taken the lead with vengeance. Without tending towards too many clichés the women’s entry on the Danish design scene has created a new departure with regards to decoration.”


- The words of Mette Stroemgaard Dalby, the former director of Trapholt Museum.

The extreme attention to detail and the quest for perfect craftsmanship make Ditte Hammerstrøm’s work a true heritage of the Danish golden age of handcrafted furniture design, however with a radical contemporary twist. The combination of luxurious craftsmanship and everday materials finds an interesting expression in Small Tall Stools where plastic string, mainly recognized for its use in garden furniture of the 1970s, is inserted into the exquisite hand-crafted wood, like a punk version of intarsia. Here, the perfection is even greater underneath than on the top of the stools, something that recalls the Japanese crafts tradition. The furniture’s tactile quality, with its invisible details, is as appealing to the fingers as it is to the eyes.