Galerie Maria Wettergren is pleased to present Phases, an exhibition of textile sculptures by Norwegian artist, Hanne Friis. Floating throughout the space, on the walls, and lying on the floor are Friis’ characteristically twisted and delicately condensed masses of silk, wool, denim and canvas. The sculptures have been carefully crafted by hand with repetitivemovements that create variations in shape texture and color. Her method of draping loose fragments against the tightly stitched mass allows the body to breathe out of its restrained folds. From afar, the figures appear animated and as the tension of the stitching alternates, they naturally curve, exuding sensuality.Approaching the soft, sensuous forms, notions of the hand become increasingly apparent. With the sculptures measuring up to 250cm, it is prominent that patience and attention to detail are essential to Friis’ process. What begins delicately with a needle and thread explodes into large, violent forms. While the denim is second-hand, the silks, canvas, and wool have been hand-dyed using natural elements, such as oak acorn and mugwort ditch plants. She transforms materials from nature while simultaneously imitating the natural.
About the artist
Exhibition Catalogue
Phases: Hanne Friis
Past exhibition